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I have a problem that still I haven’t known to solve. Before some photographies when photobucket considered that a image was pornographic or of high erotic content they bannish the image with much facility. It was bored fo me, and I would also say that they are mistaken because a naked I don’ t believe either that it is material censurable and less when she is treated by a good photographer. I proved other services (I thought that perhaps a gratuitous service of a less puritan country would be different), but in all happened something similar. So I have arrived at a species of absurd pacts (in the measurement which I have learned them with the method success or error, that in this case is posted therefore I censure to you). I avoid naked frontals unless there is a certain distance, and attempt that do not see so much pubis as nipples. And it is necessary to avoid naked where the figure of the woman shines in all its splendor. I had seen that in another blogs happen the same, and of that somehow these censorships skip (perhaps paying the service they are more permissive). Of all ways we continued learning, and we continued trying to posted with the greater possible quality and without censorships.
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