Sas Christian

Sas Christian
Sas Christian was born in London on January 4th 1968. She lived with her grandmother for a few years in Birmingham, and then eventually moved back down south to live with her mother, father and baby brother, Ed. Within a few years a couple more siblings were added to the bunch - her sister Sophia and her littlest bro, Richard.
In 1989 Sas went to Bournemouth & Poole College of Art & Design UK, to study graphic design. After being in a private boarding school for the previous 5 years, and coming from a very closeted family this would prove to be a liberating experience. Unfortunately, just after Sas graduated she was robbed - her portfolio of work was stolen and having no copies of it she found herself having to start all over again. Her time at Bournemouth was not a total loss however, as this would be the place where she would meet her future (and present) husband Colin.
Sas and her husband Colin moved to Florida in 1992, the year of Hurricane Andrew. It proved to be quite an eye-opener. She worked for a printing company, in the bindery department for 2 years, and then left to form a company with her husband called "Hotbox, Inc." - where she and Colin designed and manufactured couture latex clothing and costumes. They then moved the business into commercial sculpture, producing statues and other decorative elements for nightclubs, restaurants etc. Sas's role was as a fiberglasser and finisher.
In 1999 Sas began painting, with her main influence at the time being anime. She started with acrylics, and then in 2003 moved to oils -- teaching herself as she went. When younger Sas went to a lot of museums and art galleries and was really impressed with the works of the "masters." She was never inspired by one person in particular, however now the artists she most admires would be Bouguereau, Tamara De Lempicka, Mark Ryden... Sas draws inspiration from everyday occurences, movies and music.
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