Jerome Abramovitch

Jerome Abramovitch es fotógrafo, artista de performance, y unactivista de las modificación del cuerpo (él es especialmente reconocido porque se inyectó una solución salina en su frente lo que le hace tener un característico bulto redondo en su cabeza). El artista tiene su estudio en Montreal.
"At a glance Jerome could easily be imagined as a slightly perverse freak blending effortlessly into the deviant subcultures he documents... Or is he a chameleon of the highest order able to slip in and observe without being noticed? But he is noticed; he’s the urban ninja cyclist, the man with the inflatable forehead, the guy who cut his own finger off, the guy with all the scars. He’s also the well dressed artist at his openings, the well spoken TV guest challenging listeners to know themselves, the talented web designer. His work and his own image are well recognized in Europe, Japan, not to mention the Americas... at least in the right circles. Jerome Abramovitch moves seamlessly between object, subject, voyeur, and documenter.
Jerome has photographed many of the world's most extreme individuals, has documented the radical body modification community and sexual underground from the inside out, and worked closely with some of the biggest names in freakdom ever to spend five minutes being exploited by obscure cable TV stations."
Jerome has photographed many of the world's most extreme individuals, has documented the radical body modification community and sexual underground from the inside out, and worked closely with some of the biggest names in freakdom ever to spend five minutes being exploited by obscure cable TV stations."
Labels: Fotógrafos y Erotismo
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