Mirela Bratu

Información de Photeur
Mirela Bratu, a photographer born in Bucharest in 1978, is a trained journalist who took up photography as a student. She won the second prize in a photo contest organized by Playboy Romania and has since been engaged almost exclusively in erotic photography. She works as a freelance photographer in Romania and had her first exhibition at the Goethe-Institut in Bucharest in 2002 as well as photographs published in various magazines (such as Stern, Germany).The color photographs which she nonchalantly lures from her simple Chinese Holga carry the poetry of decay with their blurs, shadings and double exposures to the present time. She precisely portrays her immediate environment, shows her melancholy female friends on her balcony – essentials without technical gimmicks. Michelangelo Antonioni would certainly have fallen in love with one of these beauties and written the script of a film as unfathomable and timeless as they are.
Labels: Fotógrafos y Erotismo
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