Michael Skrebba

Michael Skrebba
“I was born in Berlin which was devided at that time, and I still live and work there today.
Actually, photographing has always been my hobby. Photography and its technique were matters of particular interest already in my early life.
Later, due to different other duties like e.g. course of study, this hobby inevitably took a back seat many a time.
After course of study and start of work life my interests in photography were stimulated again - in a manner of speaking as compensation for job related daily-life.
In a short time my requirements increased and the good old camera was replaced by a Minolta 9000 which accompanied me reliably on many - in part very adventurous - travels through South America and Asia.
Then, in parallel to the photography, I found a new hobby - the nude painting. Fascinated by the thought to show the feminine body realistically but in artistic vein, I improved my painting technique from picture to picture.
My first success by selling some pictures gave me a boost to go on in this way.
It was only a small step from the nude painting to the nude photography - and it became my focal point.
I offer this site to give a broad public an understanding of my pictures.”
Labels: Fotógrafos y Erotismo
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