Roman Kasperski

Roman Kasperski
Roman Kasperski was born 1972 in Oberhausen - he started his career as a professional photographer in journalism. Since the middle of the nineties, he had numerous exhibitions and publications (complete list under 'Referenzen'), which put him aside next to well-known erotic photographers, but nevertheless lead him past this genre to the art scene.
Kasperski's work is based on a wide and firm technical foundation: rooted within the classic craft he uses the new media in a well considered way. The precise aesthetic compositions of objects, picture room and detail show his determined use of study and practice. This gave him the opportunity to become seminar leader at the master school of photography in Duesseldorf.
However Roman Kasperski does not want to rest on this foundation and the resulting success. Bound to his high aimed goals of avoiding clichés and not to be self-quoting, he interprets art as a way of development. On this self-branching way, he reclaimed a terrain that seeks one’s own kind:
So Kasperskis photos range between classic nude photography and modern Pin-Up, opulent orgiastic and minimalist – and often with a discreet pinch of humor. The trivial and the sublime in his work lie very close together as it should be in real art.
He manages to stage his models as icons and nevertheless catches their different sides. Through his strong feel for dispositions, his pictures are always highly intensive. For the exact observer it is not unusual to see the vulnerability of the persons involved in the shooting, the one of the model and of the photographer.
Labels: Fotógrafos y Erotismo
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