La gata araña

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

John McMahon

John McMahon

Artista canadiense que suele buscar la provocación sobre temas religiosos. Sus ilustraciones están colgadas en la comunidad de Deviant Art.


Monday, September 27, 2004

Andrzej Dragan

Andrzej Dragan

Andrzej Dragan was born in 1978 and studied in Warsaw and on scholarships in Amsterdam, Oxford, and Lisbon, got his PhD in quantum physics cum laude in 2005- Awarrded fpor the best MSc thesis in physics in Poland by the Polish Physical Society (2001), got a stipend from the European Science Foundation (2001,2002). grants from the State Committee for Scienctific Research (2002, 2003), Award for the Young Schorlarship from the largest Polish weekly magazine, "Polityka" (2004). Contribute to conferences or seminars in Amsterdam Cracow, Glasgow, Minsk, Munich, Oxford, St. Andrews, Warsaw and Tokyo. Member and former scientific secretary of the Head Commitee of the Physics Olympiad, currently working as an assistant professor of physics at Warsaw University. Never tasted coffee.
In the past Andrzej was a winner of many national and international music-composing competitions. Involved in photography since 2003.


Friday, September 24, 2004

Fred Kyrel

Fred Kyrel
"I'm a french photographer based in Metz who like models with alternative and fetish looks.
I love creating colored atmospheres, strange with some contrast and a humoristic touch and images that brings emotions."


Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Nina Sachie Matsumoto

Nina Sachie Matsumoto

Ilustradora japonesa que reside en Canada, lo más curioso de su biografía es que después de hacer unas versiones manga sobre las series de los Simpson y Futurama, fue invitada por el mismísmo Matt Groening para que trabajase con ellos.
"I'm space coyote, a coyote from outerspace. I currently reside in Canada, taking on the form of a female human. As an Earth citizen, I'm known as Nina Sachie Matsumoto.
Using my ancient space secrets, I create art in order to fund my trip back to my home planet. Please support this space coyote today."


Monday, September 20, 2004



Dee Richards es un fotógrafo británico especializado en retratos, niños y fotografías para bodas.
"Our photography studio setting is in a quiet rural location in South Gloucestershire, close to the Bristol motorway network and with no parking problems at all times for all your family and friends"


Friday, September 17, 2004

Shannon Hourigan

Shannon Hourigan

Shannon Hourigan graduated from the Queensland College of Art in 1998 with a Bachelor of Visual Arts (photography). Her artwork has been published and exhibited internationally and has also used for book, cd, dvd and magazine covers.


Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Guido Reni

Guido Reni

Información de arte Historia.

Guido Reni (Bolonia 1575 - Bolonia 1642). Pintor italiano encuadrado dentro del Barroco, completa la nómina de artistas del Barroco italiano seguidores de los Carracci. Nació en Bolonia en 1575, formándose con Denis Calvaert en compañía de Albani y Domenichino. Hacia 1594 se instaló en la Academia de los Carracci, trabajando especialmente con Ludovico. Hacia 1602 se traslada con Albani a Roma, contactando con Caravaggio, cuya obra tendrá una importante influencia en el boloñés. Las esculturas clásicas y Rafael serán otro punto de atracción, como se observa en Hipomenes y Atalanta del Museo del Prado. Su obra más famosa la realiza entre 1613 y 1614 en uno de los techos del palacio romano Pallavicini, olvidándose de la perspectiva empleada por Guercino. De regreso a Bolonia, se dedicó a realizar pintura religiosa y escenas populares como la Muchacha con una rosa. Reni consigue aunar perfectamente el Naturalismo tenebrista con el Clasicismo, creando un estilo personal que marcó buena parte de la pintura barroca europea. Falleció en Bolonia en 1642.


Monday, September 13, 2004

Sabine Schoenberger

Sabine Schoenberger

Fotógrafo alemén. Sólo encuentro la siguiente presentación en alemán:

"In ihren Bildern erreicht die Fotografin den Menschen in seinem innersten Wesen. Sie sieht das Gute, das Unberührte in der Kreatur - aber auch die dunklen Schattenseiten des Menschseins. Die enorme Bandbreite an Individualität verlangt auch eine Vielfalt an Variationsmöglichkeiten. Dementsprechend sichern verschiedene Ausdrucksmittel individuell maßgescheiderte Abbildungen der jeweiligen Stimmungslagen, Fantasien und Wünsche.Die grundlegende Inspriation ihrer Bilder geht über die rein optische Darstellung hinaus und versucht in den Motiven auf symbolhafter Ebene prinzipielle Gesetzmäßigkeiten zu verankern.Die "Landschaften" ihrer verzauberten Welten versteht sie als Biotope in denen Träume wachsen. Als Orte, die Grundlagen beherbergen für ein gesundes Wachstum an Kreativtät und Phantasie.

Gerne nimmt die Fotografin Auftragsarbeiten im Bereich:Portrait, Hochzeit, Fashion – und Akt an."


Friday, September 10, 2004



"I was born in Lima, Peru in 1967. Named after a mermaid I was destined to have a different view of the world around me. Initially photography was only a reference for my illustration projects but soon began to appeal to my inherent creativity. Having worked in the design and advertising field in my early 20’s I am strongly drawn to the balance of graphic shapes and the strength of color and contrast.

Heavily influenced by the pagan aspects of Catholic iconography, mythology, the Art Deco and Art Nouveau aesthetic and the art of the PreRaphaelite movement my work reflects dark sensuality, mythology and luxury of form. A traditional film fhotographer for a decade, I embraced digital photography after experimenting with color and post production and realizing the medium translated my artistic vision perfectly.

My work is featured in the book “Women by Women: Erotic Photography” by Prestel as well as the occasional art gallery, album cover, various online exhibits and e-zines and the stock art libraries of Corbis US and Arcangel Images."


Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Molly Crabapple

Molly Crabapple

Molly Crabapple is an award-winning artist, writer and the founder of Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School.
Molly learned to draw in a Parisian bookstore. She later drew her way through Morocco and Kurdistan, and once into a Turkish jail. Back in New York, she got her first illustration job doing covers for SCREW Magazine. She now wields her drawing pen for The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Playgirl, as well as jugglers, fire-eaters, and blogs that sell used panties. Equally adept at drawing sexy dames, whimsical kids illustrations and biting editorial, Molly would very much like to wield her pen for your project. Despite an "erotic" sense of humor, Molly has illustrated a children's book for Umbrelly Press, and is working on a second.
Molly's equally known for her fine art. Her surreal, sexy Victoriana hangs in lowbrow galleries across the country, as well as at the Coney Island Museum and the Museum of American Illustration. She's had several solo shows- all scandelous.
While her high-school novel is thankfully confined to oblivion, Molly writes smart-aleck essays for places like NY Press, Punk Planet,, Coagula Arts Journal, and a monthly column for Art Calendar.
During college, Molly worked as an art model, appearing scantily-clad (if at all) on, SuicideGirls and Lowrider. Because of this, she makes lists like NY Post's "25 Sexiest New Yorkers". and Fleshbot's "Top Ten Hotties of 2005." She's danced burlesque and eaten fire in dive bars in New York, New Jersey and Boston, once opening for the Dresden Dolls. Yes, she gets strange emails.
In December 2005, Molly founded Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School. Disappointed by the dull life drawing classes she'd posed for, Molly built Dr. Sketchy's on the principles of fair pay for models and boozy fun for all. Artists draw burlesque dancers, compete in contests, and win liquor and prizes. Dr. Sketchy's scooped up copious media love from places like The LA Times, The Washington Post, the Village Voice, BBC, WNBC, The New Yorker, Nikkei Trendy (Japan), The San Francisco Chronicle, La Republicca (Italy), the National Post (Toronto), and countless other media outlets across the world.
In July 2006, Dr. Sketchy's went from Brooklyn event to international franchise. Sister Sketchy's have sprung up in twenty-five cities across the world, including in Hollywood, London, Edinburgh, Rome, Toronto, Tokyo, Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland. These Dr. Sketchy's receive juicy press devotion of their own.Molly's first book, Dr. Sketchy's Official Rainy Day Colouring Book, was released by Sepulculture Publishing in December 2006. You should buy a copy. Sepulculture is also releasing the Dr. Sketchy's 2008 Pinup Calender


Monday, September 06, 2004

Ken Hamilton

Ken Hamilton

The oil paintings seen on these pages are a characteristic sample of the work of the Irish artist Ken Hamilton.
Born in Nigeria, West Africa, he returned to Ireland at the age of eleven where he eventually went to Art College in Belfast. Rejecting the trends of so-called contemporary art, he has sought to restore some of the ancient values of painting now discarded by so many.
His paintings do not openly deal with the angst of the artist's own soul or with the 'human condition' but rather seem to be a celebration of the visual pleasures of the world in which we live. By pointing towards these pleasures he is also reminding us of their fleeting nature, not to create in us a sense of despair but so that we may savour the moment and enrich our lives by taking our time and drawing our attention to them.


Friday, September 03, 2004

Bjorn Opsahl

Bjorn Opsahl

Fotógrafo, director, músico y algunas cosas más, desde su estudio de Noruega.


Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Diego Rivera

Diego Rivera

Información de la Wikipedia.

Diego María de la Concepcíon Juan Nepomuceno Estanislao de la Rivera y Barrientos Acosta y Rodríguez, (Guanajuato; 8 de diciembre de 1886 - Ciudad de México; 25 de noviembre de 1957); destacado muralista mexicano famoso por su tendencia a plasmar obras de alto contenido social en edificios públicos, principalmente en el centro histórico de la Ciudad de México.

Nació el 8 de diciembre de 1886 en la ciudad de Guanajuato y a partir de 1896 comienza a tomar clases nocturnas en la Academia de San Carlos de la capital mexicana, donde conoce al célebre paisajista José María Velasco. En 1905 recibe una pensión del Secretario de Educación, Justo Sierra y en 1907 recibe otra del gobernador de Veracruz que le permite viajar a España e ingresar al taller de Eduardo Chicharro en Madrid. A partir de entonces y hasta mediados 1916 alterna su residencia entre México, España y Francia, relacionándose con intelectuales como Alfonso Reyes, Pablo Picasso y Ramón María del Valle-Inclán. Ese mismo año nace un hijo con su primera esposa, la pintora rusa Angelina Beloff; hijo que moriría al año siguiente.

En 1919 nace su hija con Marie Marevna Vorobev-Stebelska, Marika Rivera Vorobev (imágenes de la hija de Rivera: en un lienzo de su padre o en fotografía), que nunca reconocería pero sostendría económicamente. En 1922 ingresa al Partido Comunista Mexicano y empieza a pintar sus murales en los edificios públicos de la Ciudad de México, su arte influencia el Movimiento Muralista Mexicano y Latino Americano . Ese mismo año se casa con Lupe Marín quien le daría dos hijas: Lupe, nacida en 1925 y Ruth, nacida en 1926. En 1927 se divorcia de Marín y es invitado a los festejos de los primeros diez años de la Revolución de Octubre en la Unión Soviética]. El año de 1929 contrajo terceras nupcias con la pintora Frida Kahlo. Durante los siguientes cuatro años realizaría numerosas creaciones en los Estados Unidos donde su temática comunista desataría importantes polémicas en la prensa, especialmente su mural con la efigie de Lenin en el Rockefeller Center de Nueva York que es finalmente destruido. En 1936 promueve la demanda de asilo de León Trotsky en México que se concreta el año siguiente. Para 1940 ya se había distanciado del célebre disidente ruso y se había divorciado de Frida Kahlo. En 1950 ilustra Canto General de Pablo Neruda y en 1955 se casa con Emma Hurtado y viaja a la Unión Soviética para ser intervenido quirúrgicamente. Falleció el 24 de noviembre de 1957 en la Ciudad de México y sus restos fueron colocados en la Rotonda de los Hombres Ilustres, contraviniendo su última voluntad.



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