La gata araña

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Eric Kroll

Erik KrollErik Kroll
Eric Kroll

Eric Kroll (born 23 October 1946 in New York City) is a Fetish photographer. Eric Kroll has published some collections ("Fetish Girls" and "Beauty Parade"), composed introductions for influential works such as the compiled 2-volume "Bizarre" collection and some Taschen folios. Kroll is a man with a profound love for the diversity of fetish, and has done much to encourage newcomers to the field, as well as to inspire them with his camera work.
Nowadays he has transferred its study from san franciso to Los Angeles.


Monday, June 27, 2005

Michael J. Berkowitz

Michael J. Berkowitz

Michael Berkowitz is a painter, sculptor and fine art photographer. His work is in many museums and private collections throughout the world. He shows in galleries throughout the United States and his work has been featured in magazines and on book covers. He is the recipient of many prestigious awards and his work has won numerous competitions. He is a member of The New York Camera Club. His first book, Erotic Flashbacks, published by Goliath Books, debuted in 2005.


Friday, June 24, 2005

Audrey Kawasaki

Audrey Kawasaki

The themes in Audrey Kawasaki's work are contradictions within themselves. Her work is both innocent and erotic. Each subject is attractive yet disturbing. Audrey's precise technical style is at once influenced by both manga comics and Art Nouveau. Her sharp graphic imagery is combined with the natural grain of the wood panels she paints on, bringing an unexpected warmth to enigmatic subject matter. The figures she paints are seductive and contain an air of melancholy. They exist in their own sensually esoteric realm, yet at the same time present a sense of accessibility that draws the observer to them. These mysterious young women captivate with the direct stare of their bedroom eyes.
Education: 2 years Pratt Institute, Brooklyn - Fine Arts Painting


Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Erik Drooker

Erik Drooker

Eric Drooker is a third generation New Yorker, born and raised on Manhattan Island. His paintings are seen on covers of The New Yorker, and numerous other magazine, book and CD covers. He's the award winning author of several books, including Flood! A Novel in Pictures, Blood Song: A Silent Ballad, and Illuminated Poems, with Beat poet Allen Ginsberg.
His art hangs in many collections, and has been exhibited internationally. Mr. Drooker gives frequent slide lectures at colleges and universities, worldwide.


Monday, June 20, 2005

Stefan Rohner

Stefan Rohner

Fotógrafo alemán que vive en la isla de Ibiza.
Algunos datos de su Curriculum en alemán:

geboren 1962 in Überlingen am Bodensee, lebt auf Ibiza / Spanien
1984 Umzug nach Berlin
1986 Beginnt großformatige Ölbilder im Stil der jungen Wilden zu malen
1988 Umzug nach Ibiza
1999 Erste fotografische Arbeiten im eigenen Labor
2003 - 2005 Fotografische Dokumentationen entstehen in Marokko, Lourdes und Indien
2005 Erste professionelle Präsenz im Internet: Initiator und Mitherausgeber von
2006 Erste Ausstellung in der GALERIE LICHTPUNKT, München, Menschenfotografie/Porträts
2006 Ausstellung in der Evangelischen Stiftung Alsterdorf, Hamburg


Friday, June 17, 2005

Vlastimil Kula

Vlastimil Kula

Born 22nd of May 1950 in Plzen, Czechoslovakia, Vlastimil Kula atended Basic and secondary school in the best Bohemia town, Cheb, in 1968.

Taking advantage of the loosened travel restrictions of the Czechoslovak communist government, Vlastimil visited England, Canada and the USA and travelled and worked in odd jobs such as a miner in Sadbury, Ontario, and as a waiter in New York City and Miami Beach, USA.

After de compulsory return to Czechoslovakia following the Soviet invasion he worked in the theatre and studied art photography at the Prague Academy of Arts. Thanks to his previous exposure to freedom, he became a man destined for a permanent clash with the behaviour of the unfree society he was forced to live in.
The mainstream of Czechoslovak society represented for him a challenge, and he opposed his society fully!

At the University rather than do “art” under the supervision of the regime’s cultural commissions, he concentrated on the themes of religion and later gave full and complete devotion to the capitalistic “alien” of the communists---advertising!

In the years following the 1989 Velvet Revolution which brought the ensuing political liberation, advertising lost its rebellious qualities, and Vlastimil naturally progressed through his return to art photography. His philosophy as been to face those “erotic” photography represented an excellent opportunity to “make a difference”.

In the photographic arts there is a “virgin landing strip” parallel to the pornography borderline. The reason? In that genuine photography can only be realistically descriptive, it is a “minefield” at the same time. Thrills and the gains are rare events!

Trough printers ink fragrant monography published by Taschen he emerges as victorious combatant bringing to the world a costly pray of is noble struggle.


Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Patricia Aridjis

Patricia Aridjis

Patricia Aridjis es un fotografa mexicana salida del fotoperiodismo, donde las historias que se cuentan en una cámara suelen llevar una carga de denuncia o simplemente ganas de informar.


Monday, June 13, 2005

Lars Ihring

Lars Ihring

Living in Leipzig, Germany, Lars 's been working in the fields of artistic nude photography for 6 years. A sensual collection of black and white nudes.


Friday, June 10, 2005

Wanda Polak

Wanda Polak

Fotógrafa eslovaca especializada en la figura de la mujer. Tiene su estudio en Bratislava.


Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Amy Brown

Amy Brown

Amy Brown (born 1972, in Bellingham, Washington) is a popular fantasy and fairy artist. Her career began in the 1990's, today her watercolor designs appear on everything from t-shirts, to calendars, buttons, and tattoos.


Monday, June 06, 2005

Sandro Botticelli

Sandro Botticelli

Información de Biografías y Vidas.

Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro di Mariano Filipepi; Florencia, 1445 - id., 1510) Pintor italiano. Muy valorado en la actualidad, Sandro Botticelli no se cuenta entre los grandes innovadores del Renacimiento, sino que se inscribe más bien en un grupo de pintores que rehuyó el realismo a ultranza y se inclinó por un estilo basado en la delicadeza, la gracia y un cierto sentimentalismo.
Uno de ellos fue Filippo Lippi, maestro e inspirador de la obra de Botticelli. Éste comenzó su trayectoria artística con obras de temática religiosa, en particular vírgenes que, como la Virgen del Rosal, denotan un gran vigor compositivo.
En 1470, Botticelli, que contaba ya con un taller propio, se introdujo en el círculo de los Médicis, para los que realizó sus obras más famosas. Un primo de Lorenzo el Magnífico, Pier Francesco de Médicis, le encargó la alegoría de La primavera y también, al parecer, El nacimiento de Venus y Palas y el centauro.
Fue toda una novedad en aquella época realizar obras de gran formato que no fueran de temática religiosa, y ello se debió seguramente a la vinculación del mecenas con la filosofía neoplatónica, cuyo carácter simbólico debían reproducir las obras encargadas. De ellas se han realizado interpretaciones de enorme complejidad, que van mucho más allá de su gracia evocadora.


Friday, June 03, 2005

Michael Zeppetello

Michael Zeppetello

Fotógrafo norteamericano especializado en la fotografía de moda.


Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Marcel Duchamp

Información de Más de arte

Marcel Duchamp (Bainville, 1887 - Nueva York, 1968). Pintor francés nacionalizado en EE.UU en 1955. Procede de familia de artistas y estudia en París en la Académie Julian. En 1909 y 1910 conoce a Apollinaire, a los cubistas y a Picabia, con el que fundará Dadá en América. Aprende con rapidez los principios del dadaísmo, y del cubismo, pero investiga sobre la sugerencia del movimiento y se anticipa al futurismo. En el Salón de Independientes de 1911 los cubistas rechazan su Nu descendant un escalier nº 2 que, sin embargo, obtiene gran éxito en el "Armory Show" (1913). Le atrae el dinamismo de la máquina y su realidad como objeto tridimensional, aunque inservible. Rechaza la estética convencional y crea los "ready-mades", como Roue de bicyclette (1913) y Botellero (1914). En 1915 marcha a Nueva York donde ya es famoso. Este año comienza su obra más conocida: Le Grand Verre: La mariée mise à un par ses Célebataires, même, y sigue trabajando en ella hasta 1923. Es una gran plancha de vidrio con hilos de plomo y estaño, compendio de sus pensamientos desde 1913. Su actitud es provocadora y desmitificadora. Asimismo, envía en 1917 a la Sociedad de Artistas Independientes un urinario o Fuente, y a París a la muestra "Dadá" (1920), L.H.O.O.Q, la reproducción coloreada, con bigote y barba, de La Gioconda. Sus creaciones descubren la idea de que es el espectador quien hace la obra, planteamiento que trasciende a las vanguardias del siglo XX.



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