La gata araña

Monday, February 27, 2006

Julius Zimmerman

Julius Zimmerman

Información de la Wikipedia.

Julius Zimmerman is a cartoonist and graphic artist who is best known for his 9,000+ file series of erotic cartoon images. His works are normally done in pencil on plain white stock paper, but coloured pencils and different shades of paper are also used. While the originals are produced for sale, digital versions are frequently posted and reposted in erotica themed newsgroups and other forms of file sharing.
The central subjects are female cartoon characters portrayed with exaggerated physical features, such as extremely large breasts. Favourite subjects include Jessica Rabbit, Snow White, Kim Possible, Annie Fanny, Lara Croft, and Tinkerbell, but dozens of different characters have been depicted.
In December 1998, he published his first book (through Amerotica in the United States and Hushion House in Canada) titled, "Blind Squirrel". It is currently out of print. A second book was planned, but never came to fruition.


Friday, February 24, 2006

Asier Castro de la Fuente

Asier Castro de la Fuente

Fotografo español nacido en Bizcaia que sin ser profesional lleva a sus espaldas una numerosa cantidad de premios. Declara:
"Como dijo Charles Chaplin “Todos somos aficionados. La vida es tan corta que no da para más”.Disfruto fotografiando principalmente paisajes (montaña y marina). Aunque también me atrae el tema social, arquitectura… Recorro principalmente toda Euskal Herria (Bizkaia, Alaba, Guipúzcoa, Navarra…) y cuando el bolsillo me da, otras comunidades; y esperó algún día, poder visitar otros países…"


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Lilya Corneli

Lilya Corneli
Fotógrafa alemana nacida en 1978, que dota a sus imágenes de un aire fantástico y victoriano, dándoles a las fotógrafías una impresión de textura, como cuando se contempla un vintage.
Like a single note of a piano struck that sets other strings within to vibrating in response, a unique artistic voice can set our soul ringing.
The work of Lilya Corneli can create such a feeling within us. There's an unmistakable sense that something important is needing to be expressed, and it is effortless to find one's self responding emotively in return.
Lilya Corneli has been expressing herself through her photography for years. Born in 1978, her path began in capturing the world around her with her father's Zenit film camera.
Her work started to take a more personal form when, two years ago, she discovered the digital medium and began portraying herself. Today she uses digital cameras but still uses her Zenit and a Holga film camera. Most importantly, her personal vision has, more than any medium she has chosen to work in, become what makes her work so compelling.
Perhaps it is a sense that we are viewing something of Lilya's unique perspective, shaped by everything that has challenged her, or carried her, hurt her or given her joy...all that has lent itself to the creation of the works of quiet, haunting beauty that are so completely hers.
So we continue to listen, waiting for the next note to sound...


Monday, February 20, 2006

David Koenigsmann

David Koenigsmann

Información de Alt Photos

"I am a Photographer and Movie Maker from Hamburg Germany. I am since 10 years in the biz. Worked for Years on Commercials and Movies as Camera-assistent (Focus-puller). 5 Years Assistence for People, Car- and Celebrity Photographers. I work as a DOP and Director on Music Videos and Shortfilms. In Photography I shoot People, Portraits, Beauty, and Fashion."


Friday, February 17, 2006

Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Información de la Wikipedia

Giuseppe Arcimboldo, (Milán 1527 - ídem; 1593), pintor italiano, conocido sobre todo por sus representaciones manieristas del rostro humano a partir de flores, frutas, plantas, animales u objetos.
Estuvo al servicio de los Habsburgo entre los años 1560 y 1587. Se supone que trabajó también en la Italia meridional y que tuvo un taller propio y discípulos en Roma.

Trabajó para el emperador Rodolfo II en su corte de Praga y se le considera el "Leonardo da Vinci" de la corte bohemia, diseñador de aparatos hidráulicos milagrosos (un poco como su coetáneo en la corte española Juanelo Turriano) y de instrumentos musicales fantásticos: en este sentido puede decirse que trabajó para el emperador Rodolfo II "reemplazando" la figura del viejo Juanelo, cuyos inventos, experimentos diversos y aparatos mecánicos impresionaron al joven Rodolfo durante su estancia en la corte de su tío, el rey español Felipe II.

Se especializó en los "caprichos" alegóricos, pinturas en los que las naturalezas muertas, los conjuntos de flores, frutas, mariscos o peces, estructuran figuras simbólicas de los elementos o las estaciones.

Obras destacadas: La primavera, El puchero de legumbres, Retrato del emperador Rodolfo II.


Monday, February 13, 2006

Roberto Matta

Roberto Matta

Roberto Matta

Información de la Wikipedia.

Roberto Sebastián Antonio Matta Echaurren, más conocido como Roberto Matta (Santiago de Chile, 11 de noviembre de 1911 - Civitavechia, Italia, 23 de noviembre de 2002) fue un pintor chileno considerado el último de los pintores surrealistas.

Se inició como arquitecto, pero ante la desilusión que le probó el ejercicio de su profesión, partió a mediados de la década de 1930 a Europa, donde conoció a artistas de la talla de Salvador Dalí, René Magritte, André Breton y Le Corbusier.
Precisamente fue Breton quien estimuló al artista chileno, valorando su trabajo e introduciéndolo en el círculo de los principales miembros del movimiento surrealista de París. Matta produjo ilustraciones y artículos para el periódico surrealista Minotaure. Durante este período trabó amis conocimiento con prominentes artistas contemporáneos europeos como Picasso y Marcel Duchamp.

Un momento decisivo para la carrera astística de Matta se produce en 1938 cuando pasa del dibujo a la pintura en óleo, por la cual es muy famoso. Este período coincide con su viaje y residencia hasta 1948 en los Estados Unidos. Sus primeras pinturas, entre las que destaca Invasión nocturna, dieron una indicación de la ruta artística tomada por el pintor. El uso de patrones difusos de luz y gruesas líneas encima de un fondo particular se transformaría en uno de sus sellos característicos. Durante las décadas siguientes de los 40 y 50 su pintura reflejaría el perturbador estado de la política internacional, utilizando imágenes de máquinas eléctricas y personas atormentadas. Al agregar arcilla a sus obras desde los 60 en adelante, le agregó dimensión a su distorsión. El trabajo de Matta agregó nuevas dimensiones a la pintura contemporánea, pese a su ruptura (por causas desconocidas) con el movimiento surrealista en 1947. Pese a que fue readmitido en 1959, su fama ganada es exclusivamente personal. Experimentó distintos formas de expresión artísticas, incluyendo producciones de videos como Système 88, la fotografía y otros medios de expresión.

En 1990 recibió el Premio Nacional de Arte y en 1992 se le otorgó el Premio Príncipe de Asturias de las Artes. Vivió regularmente desde la década del 60 en la ciudad italiana de Civitavecchia con viajes esporádicos a su país. Murió el 23 de noviembre de 2002.

Entre sus principales obras cabe destacar: Morfologías psicológicas, Pista fabulosa de la muerte, El vértigo de Eros, La cuestión Djamile, La vida Allende la muerte.


Friday, February 10, 2006



Minchi es un artista japonés que vive en Hyogo. Para hacer sus ilustraciones utiliza desde pinturas, oleos o acuarelas junto a técnicas más modernas como el Photoshop o el Corel Painter.


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Jean Claude Claeys

Jean Claude Claeys

Información de la Lambiek Comicopledia

Jean-Claude Claeys was born in Paris. After some advertising work, he focused on making comics in 1975. He made his comics debut with 'Jonathan Foolishbury', a series about a curious private investigator published in Mormoil magazine. In 1977, he followed up the film noir theme in 'Whisky Dreams' (Ed. du Cygne), and later, in 'Magnum Song' (À Suirvre, 1978) and the 'Lüger et Paix' series (in Métal Hurlant, 1986). Claeys made 'Paris Fripon' for the Editions du Fromage in 1981, which was followed by two portfolios. Claeys draws his influences from American cinema of the forties and fifties. He uses a hyper-realistic style in black and white, reworking from photographs, which gives his oeuvre a dark mood. Claeys also works as a cover artist for the crime collection of the Néo publishing house, as well as Hitchcock Magazine.


Monday, February 06, 2006

Agnes Donnadieu

Agnes Donnadieu

Fashion, dance, people, lifestyle, and journalistic work in digital and film. Located in Chicago

"The work of Agnes Donnadieu is dark and provocative, yet light and full of vigor and movement. Agnes' photographic style is more of an artist, and less of a photographer as she implements several artistic elements in her images, which could be compared to those found within paintings and sculptures. The direct-lighting found within Agnes' work is one of the major elements, which lends itself to this artistic and painterly style of work. Along with traditional photography, Agnes' work in the digital medium has allowed her the freedom to express herself in ways which would not be possible with traditional film printing techniques."

Review from Profotos


Friday, February 03, 2006

Maury Perseval


Maury Perseval

Maury Perseval aime les images qui ont été réalisées par des artistes dont l’univers est etranger. Jean-Loup Sieff a été probablement le photographe qui l’a le plus marqué jusqu’à l’inspirer directement, aujourd’hui encore. Il aime les gris somptueux, l'utilisation du grand angle, la vision tout à la fois tendre et sensuelle de la Femme, la rigueur de des compositions...


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Edward S. Curtis

Edward S. Curtis

Información de Flury & Company LTD.

Edward Sheriff Curtis (1868-1952). He was born in Wisconsin in 1868 to parents Ellen and Johnson Curtis. His sister, Eva, was born in 1870 and his brother, Asahel, in 1874. Edward also had an older brother, Ray, born in 1861. After Asahel's birth the family moved to Cordova, a rural settlement in Le Sueur County, Minnesota, where Johnson Curtis worked as a preacher for United Brethren Church. As a boy Edward often accompanied his father on canoe trips to visit members of the congregation. His experience camping outdoors with his father helped prepare him for the extensive field work he would do later in his career.
As an adolescent Edward constructed his own camera with the help of the then popular manual Wilson's Photographics. It is also possible that he worked for a photographer in St. Paul for a period of time before his family moved west. Because his father's health was not good and his older brother Ray had married and moved to Portland, Oregon, Curtis took on much of the responsibility of supporting the family. He worked for a time as a supervisor on the Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault St. Marie Railroad.
In the Fall of 1887 Edward and his father traveled to Washington Territory and by Winter had settled in the Puget Sound. They were joined by Ellen Curtis and the other two children the following Spring. Shortly after their arrival Johnson Curtis contracted pneumonia and died. Edward then assumed primary responsibility for supporting the family. Although his income was meager, he was able to buy a camera. In 1892 he married Clara Phillips and opened a portrait studio in Seattle in partnership with Thomas Guptill. While their business was very successful, they parted ways in 1897 and Curtis renamed the business Edward S. Curtis, Photographer and Photoengraver.



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