La gata araña
Friday, March 31, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Kevin Carter

Kevin Carter
South African photojournalist (b. Sept. 13, 1960, Johannesburg, South Africa - d. July 27, 1994, Johannesburg), recorded on film the racial strife and political chaos of his native South Africa, but he captured international attention and the 1994 Pulitzer Prize for a haunting photograph of a vulture patiently watching a starving Sudanese child.
Despite his own comfortable suburban childhood, Carter rejected the inequities of apartheid in his native land at an early age. He was drafted into the South African Defence Force and then secured (1983) a job as a sports photographer with he Sunday Express newspaper. In 1984 the switched to the Johannesburg Star and joined other young white photojournalists who risked imprisonment and death to expose the evils of apartheid. Later he worked for the Sunday Tribune, the Weekly Mail, and Reuters international news agency. Many of his photographs were picked up all over the world, notably his Pulitzer Prize winner, which was taken during a short foray into The Sudan, and his picture of an anguished South African neo-Nazi facing death at the hands of a dimly seen black police officer. Carter, who was increasingly depressed by the violence and suffering he had witnessed and despondent over the shooting death of his friend and colleague Ken Oosterbroek, took his own life.
Labels: Fotógrafos
Monday, March 27, 2006
Cellina Von Mannstein

Cellina Von Mannstein
Born 1975 in Düsseldorf (Germany), started out as a production assistant at Cobble-stones Pictures in Hamburg before moving on to director’s assistant and later on to art direction in the film production company. She soon realised that photography was her true calling; creating real narratives with her pictures. Since 2000, she based herself in Hamburg as a freelance photographer.
In May 2002 she moved to New York assisting Terry Richardson, who is her mentor. Cellina struck out on her own again in the summer of 2003, basing herself in Milan and Hamburg.
Labels: Fotógrafos y Erotismo
Friday, March 24, 2006
John William Waterhouse

John William Waterhouse
John William Waterhouse (Roma, 6 de abril de 1849 - Londres, 10 de febrero de 1917). Pintor británico. Hijo de artistas, sus comienzos como pintor estuvieron influidos por el neoclasicismo victoriano. En la fase siguiente es un pintor prerrafaelita. Más tarde estuvo atraido por el planairismo de los impresionistas franceses. Si al principio de su carrera se dedicó a temas de la antigüedad clásica, más adelante abordó los literarios, siempre con un estilo suave y misterioso, imbuido de romanticismo, que permiten encuadrarlo dentro del simbolismo. Pintor famoso en vida, su fama decayó durante el siglo XX. A fines de ésta centuria se produjo sin embargo una revalorización de sus aportaciones a la historia de la pintura.
Algunas de sus pinturas más populares son: "The Lady of Shalott", "Hylas and the Nymphs" y "Ophelia".
Labels: Pintores
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Augusto Peixoto

Augusto Peixoto
El portugués Augusto Peixoto hace la siguiente presentación en su página:
O meu nome é Augusto Peixoto, tenho 35 anos e actualmente vivo no Porto, a cidade ideal para qualquer amante de arte se inspirar. Nela contemplam-se o mistério e a melancolia, bem como a vivacidade e alegria, aspectos estes que se vão reflectir no meu trabalho. Sou baterista em duas bandas de Metal chamadas CYCLES e HEADSTONE, porque tal como a arte gráfica a música faz parte da minha vida, e só estou bem comigo mesmo quando estou em processo criativo. Admiro artistas de várias áreas, e de estilos diversos, tais como: TRAVIS SMITH, JERRY UELSMANN, DAVE MCKEAN, MISHA GORDIN, GYULA HAVANKSÁK, IRON MAIDEN, CORONER, CANDLEMASS, OPETH... Ao apreciarem a minha Arte, estão a apreciar também o meu mundo e a minha mente, isto porque as minhas criações têm como princípios a minha essência, o meu ser e o meu saber.
Labels: Fotógrafos
Monday, March 20, 2006

Una extraordinaria fotógrafa italiana que hace esta presentación de si misma:
Trovo che parlare di me usando le parole sia quanto di più difficile mi si possa chiedere.
Chi sono? Sono una sognatrice, un’eterna distratta, una che pensa sia possibile parlare attraverso le immagini, sono superficiale, impaziente, diffidente e ingenua allo stesso tempo, sono delusa ma innamorata della gente, sono generosa, isterica, buffa, stupida e stupita, sono quella che si meraviglia quando qualcuno si complimenta con me per quello che faccio.Sono semplicemente io…
Scelgo le immagini da sempre perchè non so scrivere, almeno così diceva la mia professoressa al ginnasio: ”tu devi smetterla di usare tutte queste espressioni strane, devi imparare a scrivere come il libro di Antologia!”. Così ho chiesto aiuto alle immagini che da allora non mi hanno mai abbandonato. Fin da piccola ho sempre amato disegnare, ritraevo figure di donne bellissime, perfette, magre…erano tutto quello che avrei voluto essere ma che non sono mai stata. Giocavo con i colori per tenere sempre con me le “cose belle”…
Oggi, potermi esprimere attraverso la fotografia, l’arte digitale e i siti web per me è una grande soddisfazione. Non sono una professionista, non ho seguito alcun corso, non ho letto alcun manuale, tutto quello che ho imparato l’ho acquisito “giocando” con i mezzi che avevo a disposizione.
Labels: Fotógrafos
Friday, March 17, 2006
Francesca Woodman

Francesca Woodman
Brought up in a family of artists, Francesca Woodman (born in 1958 in Denver, Colorado) took an interest in photography from a very early age and was only thirteen when her first works were made. She soon adopted black and white photography, choosing 21/4 inch square format. As a student at the Rhode Island School of Design in Providence between 1975 and 1979, she was accepted into the Honors Program which enabled her to spend a year at the school’s campus in the sumptuous Palazzo Cenci in Rome. During that year (1977-78), Francesca frequented the Maldoror bookshop-gallery, which specialized in art books on Surrealism and Futurism. It was here that her first one-woman show was held. She also met the young generation of the Roman Transavanguardia. After returning to the United States and completing her studies at Providence, Francesca Woodman moved to New York, where she embarked on more ambitious projects, making large blueprints on blue or brown paper as well as designing several books of her own photographs. Some Disordered Interior Geometries, the only one of her books to be published, came out in January 1981, at which date she took her own life.
Labels: Fotógrafos
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Johannes Vermeer

Johannes Vermeer
Información de Biografías y Vidas
Johannes Vermeer (Delft, Países Bajos, 1632-id., 1675) Pintor holandés. La documentación con la que se cuenta en la actualidad parece demostrar que Vermeer no fue un pintor famoso en su tiempo, pese a lo cual en nuestros días se le considera la gran figura del siglo XVII holandés, después de Rembrandt. Probablemente, lo que más gusta de su arte es lo inusual de la temática, la fuerza de la composición y el empleo de pocos colores, claros y brillantes.
Salvo una visita a La Haya en 1672 para actuar como testigo en un pleito, pasó toda su vida en Delft, donde perteneció al gremio de pintores, que dirigió en dos ocasiones. Se cree, sin embargo, que nunca se dedicó profesionalmente a la pintura, sino que regentó el hostal heredado de su padre y el negocio de marchante de arte legado igualmente por su progenitor.
En 1653 casó con Caterina Bolnes, perteneciente a una acomodada familia católica, que le dio once hijos. La necesidad de mantener a una familia tan numerosa le impidió gozar de suficiente desahogo económico, tal como demuestra el hecho de que, un año después de su fallecimiento, la viuda solicitara ser declarada insolvente.
Labels: Pintores
Monday, March 13, 2006
Friday, March 10, 2006
Lucien Clergue

Lucien Clergue
Información de Picasso Mio.
Nació en 1934 en la ciudad de Arles (Francia). Reconocido fotógrafo de fama internacional, Lucien Clergue descubrió el poder de la cámara en su adolescencia difícil. Presenció la destrucción de su casa familiar por las bombas de la II Guerra Mundial, y sufrió la prolongada enfermedad y muerte de su madre.
Desarrolló gran parte de su carrera tomando imágenes que representan la pérdida, la enfermedad, la muerte y la decadencia. Sus obras más conocidas son torsos desnudos femeninos de mediados de los 50 y hasta los 70, así como imágenes de corridas de toros en Arles, donde conoció a Picasso, que ejerció como apoyo para su obra más temprana.
Su obra más tardía se desarrolló como abstracciones orgánicas de arena. Su obra está muy influida por la mitología la aventura y lo que él llama “La mentalidad del hombre mediterráneo”.
En 1969 instauró los Recontres Internationales de la Photographie en Arles, este evento ha continuado creciendo y está considerado como uno de los más famosos festivales de arte en el mundo.
Su esposa fundó un museo de arte contemporáneo en Arles, que homenajeando a Van Gogh llamó Vincent Van Gogh Foundation.
Labels: Ilustradores
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Tomy Ceballos

Tomy Ceballos
Formación autodidacta. Trabaja prácticamente todas las artes visuales. Huye de los límites. Nace en Caravaca de la Cruz (Murcia).
Labels: Ilustradores
Monday, March 06, 2006
Eddie Adams
Información del blog de Mark Hancock.
Eddie Adams was born in New Kensington, Pa. on June 12, 1933. He died today (September 20, 2004) at his Manhattan home from complications of Lou Gehrig's disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). He was 71.
During his life, he covered 13 wars. He was known as a combat photojournalist whose images changed the course of history.
He won the 1969 Pulitzer Prize for breaking news with a photo of a Vietnamese officer executing a communist guerrilla in Saigon during the Vietnam War. In the fast-action image, the bullet was still contained within the guerrilla’s head. He also earned more than 500 other honors during his career. Among those awards were a 1978 Robert Capa Award and three George Polk Memorial Awards for war coverage.
He created images for The Associated Press (AP), Time, Life, Newsweek, Vanity Fair, Parade and countless other publications. In addition to photojournalism, he shot for clients in fashion, entertainment, advertising and corporate industries.
He started the annual Eddie Adams Workshop (known as Barnstorm) held in Jeffersonville, N.Y. in 1988 to train aspiring photojournalist.
His books include: "Beyond Glory: Medal of Honor Heroes in Their Own Words", "NYC Life Going On", "Let Freedom Ring: A Pictorial Celebration" and participation in several "Day in the Life" book series projects.
Labels: Fotógrafos
Friday, March 03, 2006
Stasys Eidrigevicius

Stasys Eidrigevicius
Información de Polish Poster Gallery.
Born 1949 in Mediniskiai, Lithuania. Graduate of College of Fine Arts and Crafts in Kaunas, 1968. In 1973 obtained diploma of Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts. Active in many artistic fields such as: oil painting; book-plate; book-illustration; studio graphic. In the field of poster worked from 1984.
Major awards: Gold Plaque for children's book illustration at Biennial of Book Art in Brno, Czechoslovakia (1979); Gold Medal at International Biennial of Exlibris in Malbork (1980); Honorary Mention at Exhibition of Small Graphic Forms in Lodz, Poland (1979); Grand Prix for book illustration in Barcelona, Spain (1986); Grand Prix at International Biennial of Posters in Lahti, Finland (1989); 3rd Prize at International Biennial of Posters in Warsaw (1990), Gold Medal, Toyama, Japan (1994), 1st Prize at Biennial of Polish Poster, Katowice (1999), National Award in Arts, Lithuania (2001).
Labels: Ilustradores
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Katia Chausheva

Katia Chausheva
Katia Chausheva. She was born in 1956. She was living and working in Bulgaria, Plovdiv (her home town) She is not a professional photographer, for her photography is pleasure.
Labels: Fotógrafos