La gata araña

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Pablo Ruiz Picasso

Pablo Ruiz Picasso

Información de la Wikipedia.

Pablo Ruiz Picasso (Málaga España, 25 de octubre de 1881 - Mougins Francia, 8 de abril de 1973), pintor, dibujante y escultor español más conocido como Pablo Picasso. Es el gran genio de la pintura contemporánea. Creador del cubismo junto a Braque, su capacidad de invención y de creación le sitúan en la cima de la pintura mundial.
Inició su aprendizaje en el mundo de la pintura a través de su padre, profesor de Bellas Artes.
Es uno de los grandes maestros del siglo XX, quizás el artista que más fama alcanzó fuera del ámbito profesional, ya que existen más de 1500 obras suyas en museos que reciben el nombre de "Museo Picasso". Su nombre completo era Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Crispín Crispiniano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso. Quizás lo más trascendente del nombre con el cual se hizo conocido, es que usaba el apellido materno.
Estaba emparentado con el militar español Juan Picasso González. Picasso sentía una gran atracción hacia la cultura Chavín en Perú en la que, según él, se basaban muchas de sus obras. Su vida está marcada por las guerras y su estilo supera todos los demás.
Considerado, junto a Miguel Ángel Buonarroti, la persona que más ha influido en la historia del arte mundial, revolucionó el arte y en especial la pintura durante su larga carrera. Sin duda el artista más importante del siglo XX, es también el que cuenta con obras en más museos a lo largo de todo el mundo, además de encabezar el ranking mundial en las subastas de arte.
Políticamente, Picasso se declaraba pacifista y comunista, y fue miembro del Partido Comunista Francés hasta su muerte.
Falleció en Notre-Dame-de-Vie (Mougins, Francia) en 1973 a los 91 años de edad.


Monday, March 29, 2004

Alexander Paulin

Alexander Paulin
Alexander Paulin

Alexander Paulin was born 1967 in Kiel (Germany) and photograph since his 14 birthday. In the middle of the 90s he begin with the nude photography. With his internet publication in 1999 the popularity grews more and more.
His popularity grows with the nude photography, but his photography repertoire is much greater than some people knows. Art, stills, stock and travel-photography. That he produce for his picture agency, or direct for the customer, as professional, - free photodesigner.
He has publication for example in PLAYBOY, FHM, Max, Stern, Fit-For-Fun, Maxim, Photographie, many books, calendars and photomagazins see press. Till 2003 he sold his high quality works in the online shop worldwide : New York, Chicago, Bangkok, Budapest, Madrid, Paris, London, Brüssel, Berlin, Alabama, Michigan, Wisconsin, Canada and Moskau.


Friday, March 26, 2004

Stéphane Gallois

Mary Ellen Mark
Mary Ellen Mark
Stéphane Gallois

Stéphane Gallois est né à Marseille… longtemps amoureux de sa prof de math, de ses voisines, d’inaccesibles inconnues et de célébrités locales avant de se décider à avoir une activité sociale et d’être tour à tour où de façon concomitante licencié en histoire de l’art, profondément déprimé, barman de nuit, diplôme de l’êcole de photographie d’Arles, ami oublieux, amant secret, profondément déprimé, diplômé de l’école des Meaux arts de la Villa Arso à Nice, femme artiste nègre pour un artiste conceptuel, barman de nuit, collectionneur de disques, de chausssures pointues et en fin assistant de Jean-Baptiste Mondito pendant Quatre années determinantes.

Stéphane Gallois est aujord’hui photographe.


Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Mary Ellen Mark

Mary Ellen Mark
Mary Ellen Mark
Mary Ellen Mark

Información de la Wikipedia.

Mary Ellen Mark (born, March 20, 1940 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) is an American photographer, known for her images which fall between social photojournalism and portraiture.
Photography career
Mark began photographing with a Box Brownie camera at age nine. During high school, she was head cheerleader with a knack for painting and drawing. Pursuing a career in art, she studied painting and art history for a bachelor's degree at the University of Pennsylvania around 1959. She turned professional as a freelance in the mid-1960s when she returned to school at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. After graduating, in 1965, Mark was awarded a Fulbright scholarship to photograph in Turkey and other countries in Europe for a year.
Mark's photography has addressed difficult social issues, including homelessness, loneliness, drug addiction and prostitution. She works primarily in black and white and has contributed to publications including LIFE magazine, Rolling Stone, The New Yorker and Vanity Fair.
Mark has had three grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, a Robert Kennedy Journalism Award, a Guggenheim Fellowship, and five honorary doctorates. She was a member of the Magnum Photos photography agency from 1977-1982.
In 1988 she received a George Polk Award for photojournalism.
Mark maintains that the technical aspects (as well as the social aspects) of her work are very important - as she said in an interview: "A good print is really essential. I want to take strong documentary photographs that are as good technically as any of the best technical photographs, and as creative as any of the best fine-art photographs. (...) I don't want to just be a photo essayist; I'm more interested in single images.... ones that I feel are good enough to stand on their own".
A collection of Mark's works appeared in a 1984 Sunday Times Magazine article on the white community in Zimbabwe. Mark's photography provided a powerful image of the turmoil surrounding political and social change in Zimbabwe.
Mark is married to film director, Martin Bell (Streetwise/American Heart) and resides in New York City.


Monday, March 22, 2004

Erwin Olaf

Erwin Olaf
Erwin Olaf
Erwin Olaf

Información Agency Bernstein & Andriulli.

Erwin Olaf was born in 1959 in the small town of Hilversum, The Netherlands. He originally pursued a career in journalism, attending the School for Journalism in Utrecht. There, Olaf discovered photography and film.
Olaf has become best known for his intricate, witty style of commercial photography and for his incredibly cutting edge personal work. Olaf has received multiple awards for campaigns completed for Heineken, Diesel Dirty Denim, Nicorette and Lavazza Coffee. International recognition has come from The Association of Photographers, London; the PDN Photography Annual, New York; and the Silver Lion, Cannes.
Olaf’s work has also been exhibited worldwide. In 2003, The Netherlands’ Groninger Museum dedicated its entire space to Erwin Olaf’s 25th Silver Jubilee retrospective. The works included in this prominent exhibition were then compiled for the highly acclaimed book Silver.
Other solo exhibitions have been staged in major museums in Sydney, Bologna, Prague, Antwerp, Lodz, and Moscow, and galleries in Milan, Madrid, Paris, New York, and Hong Kong.
Olaf is now currently in the planning stages of directing his first feature film, a children’s science fiction picture. Olaf lives and works in Amsterdam.


Friday, March 19, 2004

Alfred Stieglitz

Alfred Stieglitz
Alfred Stieglitz

Información de Biografías y Vidas.

Alfred Stieglitz (Hoboken, EE UU, 1864-Nueva York, 1946) Fotógrafo y marchante de arte estadounidense. Fue uno de los impulsores y principales representantes de la corriente fotográfica pictoralista, que promocionó desde la dirección del grupo Photo-Secession (1900) y de la revista Camera work (1902), ambos fundados por él mismo y, en el caso de esta última, la primera del mundo en su estilo. Simultaneó su actividad artística con la dirección de la galería de arte neoyorquina 291, en la que expuso por primera vez en Estados Unidos obras inscritas en las corrientes de la vanguardia europea de comienzos de siglo: Matisse, Toulouse-Lautrec, Picabia, Brancusi, etc. De ese modo ejerció una gran influencia en la evolución del arte de su país, a la que también contribuyó con su apoyo a artistas jóvenes que cultivaban tendencias avanzadas. A partir de 1925 regentó las galerías Intimate y An American Place y editó numerosas publicaciones dedicadas a la fotografía y al arte en general.


Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Yves Klein

Yves Klein
Yves Klein

Información de Gallery Archeus.

Yves Klein was born April 28, 1928, in Nice. From 1942 to 1946, he studied at the Ecole Nationale de la Marine Marchande and the Ecole Nationale des Langues Orientales and began practicing judo. At this time, he became friends with Arman Fernandez and Claude Pascal and started to paint. Klein composed his first Symphonie monotone in 1947. During the years 1948 to 1952, he travelled to Italy, Great Britain, Spain, and Japan. In 1955, Klein settled permanently in Paris, where he was given a solo exhibition at the Club des Solitaires. His monochrome paintings were shown at the Galerie Colette Allendy, Paris, in 1956.

The artist entered his blue period in 1957; this year a double exhibition of his work was held at the Galerie Iris Clert and the Galerie Colette Allendy, both in Paris. In 1958, he began using nude models as "living paintbrushes." Also in that year, he undertook a project for the decoration of the entrance hall of the new opera house in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. The first manifesto of the group Nouveaux Réalistes was written in 1960 by Pierre Restany and signed by Arman, Klein, Daniel Spoerri, Jean Tinguely, and others. In 1961, Klein was given a retrospective at the Museum Haus Lange, Krefeld, Germany, and his first solo exhibition in the United States at the Leo Castelli Gallery, New York. He and architect Claude Parent collaborated that year on the design for fountains of water and fire, Les Fontaines de Varsovie, for the Palais de Chaillot, Paris. In 1962, Klein executed a plaster cast of Arman and took part in the exhibition Antagonismes 2: L'Objet at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris. Shortly before his death he appeared in the film Mondo Cane (1962). Klein died suddenly on June 6, 1962, in Paris.


Monday, March 15, 2004

Adam Hinton

Adam Hinton
Adam Hinton

Adam Hinton

Adam Hinton (British) began his photographic life working in the editorial market for newspapers and magazines such as the Daily Telegraph, The Observer, Newsweek, Stern and Der Spiegel. Since then he has built his career in the advertising and corporate sectors, working for Vodafone, Sony Playstation, Nikon, Boots, Ericsson, the BBC, Texaco, the AA, Coca-Cola and Eurostar. For his personal projects, like this one, Adam still likes to get as close to his subjects as possible, embedding himself in the families and communities he's photographing.


Friday, March 12, 2004

Art Frahm

Art Frahm
Art Frahm

Información de la Wikipedia.

Art Frahm (1907-1981) was an American painter of campy pin-up girls and advertising. Frahm lived in Chicago, and was active from the 1940s to 1960s. Today he is best known for his “ladies in distress” pictures involving beautiful young women whose panties mysteriously flutter to the ground in public situations, often causing them to spill their bag of groceries. In one of Frahm’s noted idiosyncratic touches, celery is often depicted.
Frahm had adequate technical competence for his medium, with a style somewhat reminiscent of Norman Rockwell's although more cartoony. He was mostly influenced by commercial artist Haddon Sundblom, with whom Frahm may have worked as an assistant early in his career. Frahm’s forte was depicting beautiful young white women, with great care taken in rendering their legs and figures. Frahm’s depictions of the women's faces are less successful, often tending towards plastic doll-like expressions. Minor problems with perspective and unrealistic depiction of subsidiary figures and objects are common in Frahm’s work. Some of his artistic touches were deliberately unrealistic and artistically daring — for instance his coloring of a city street lemon-yellow in an otherwise realist painting.
Frahm was commercially successful. His falling-panties paintings are still considered too camp to be art, and too juvenile to be erotica. However this genre (which Frahm seems to have created) was in demand in the 1950s, and was later imitated by some other pin-up artists. The falling-panties art has a small cult following as mid-20th century kitsch, or even as fetish art. The works are best described with plenty of irony; James Lileks' clever analysis (see external link below) of Frahm's work has brought it to the attention of many on the Internet.
In addition to pin-ups, Frahm created a series of humorous hobo-themed calendar illustrations. Another set of paintings celebrated traffic safety, complete with smiling, chubby crossing guards and schoolchildren (one such painting appears as a calendar print in the background of a bar scene in the movie Hud). His advertising art included works for Coca-Cola and Coppertone.


Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Kristina Gehrmann

Kristina Gehrmann
Kristina Gehrmann

Joven ilustradora alemana nacida en 1989 en Meerbusch. Actualmente compagina su trabajo como ilustradora con sus estudios.
"I have been painting and drawing for a very long time now. What fascinates me - no matter whether working in oil paints or at the computer - is the human form, color, light and lines. There is so much beauty in those things so there is never enough to discover. The human figure in my work is an ornament in a composition, its colors and lines are essential parts of the picture. At the same time, the figures also act as allegories or stand for attitudes, stories or thoughts. Main themes are mostly human longing and vanity. Behind the glittering, pastellike surface, there often is decay and death."


Monday, March 08, 2004

Mélanie Delon

Circus Eskarina

Mélanie Delon

Ilustradora digital francesa que a parte de su página personal también mantiene el blog de Eskarina Circus.

"Born in 1980 (in france, so excuse me for my very bad english ^^), and as far as i can remember i have always drawn... but on paper. I studied archeology and history of arts, then I went to a gamedesign school (for 2 years), which just was not my thing. I discovered Photoshop last year, since then i have became addicted to it. All subjects are interest, they just have to talk to me,but fantasy and dreamy subjects are my favourite's. Having fun doing them is the most important thing to me :) Besides painting, I am a fervent science-fiction and heroic-fantasy reader (P.K Dick, Tolkien, Zelazny, Pratchett...), i love movies ( Lord of the Rings, Star Wars Saga,...), playing video games and spending time with my friends and family."


Friday, March 05, 2004

Katie West

Katie West
Katie West
Katie West

"My name is Katie West. I'm currently getting a BA in English Language and Literature. I wish I had gone to an art school of some sort, but perhaps there is time for that yet. I live with my cats and my best friend. I like sunny days, Star Trek, comic books, swimming, randomness, grocery shopping at 2 am, dancing The Cure, watching movies, monochromatic colour schemes, Canadian comedic television shows, Bruce Springsteen, road trips, shooting guns and antique shopping.
Mark Sarmel recently interviewed me at The interview is very good at explaining what I try to do with my photography, from why I take self portraits to the eroticism in much of my work."


Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Jaromir Plesko

Jaromir Plesko

Información de Michelle7.

The photographer at the fabulous site Arnold Studio is Czech-born photographer Jaromir Plesko. His reputation has skyrocketed lately with his recent contributions to various publications including the website His rise to fame is also due in no small part to his resounding talent at shooting the nude. His high-resolution images of local Slovakian beauties has won him a huge and devoted following as well as the praise of many critics and other professional photographers. His simple style and natural lighting techniques have struck a nerve with his audience and we can only hope that the best is yet to come. More of his beautiful work can be seen at his website as well as at


Monday, March 01, 2004

David W. Aronson

David W. Aronson

David Aronson lives and works in the Philadelphia area. His quirky, offbeat illustration, drawings and paintings combine traditional media such as watercolor, ink, graphite and colored pencil with digital media and digital collage. His work ranges from whimsical to fantastic, from highly stylized to realistically rendered, and has been called unique and highly creative and imaginative. It mixes lowbrow with fine art elements and often employs unusual juxtapositions. Thematically, David often delves into the realms of mythology and psychology. He has created art for CD covers, music posters and tour t-shirts. David is also an oil painter and has completed several public and private commissions. His digital animation has been featured on MTV2 and Fuse and his drawings were featured regularly in BigNews, the New York journal of art and literature. He is an art teacher, working with both children and adults and teaching several different media, and was once the sole owner and operator of a small art school in the Philadelphia suburbs. He is also a certified hypnotherapist, holistic healer, and published poet.
"David Aronson lives and works in the Philadelphia area. His quirky, offbeat illustration, drawings and paintings combine traditional media such as watercolor, ink, graphite and colored pencil with digital media and digital collage. His work ranges from whimsical to fantastic, from highly stylized to realistically rendered, and has been called unique and highly creative and imaginative. It mixes lowbrow with fine art elements and often employs unusual juxtapositions. Thematically, David often delves into the realms of mythology and psychology. He has created art for CD covers, music posters and tour t-shirts. David is also an oil painter and has completed several public and private commissions. His digital animation has been featured on MTV2 and Fuse and his drawings were featured regularly in BigNews, the New York journal of art and literature. He is an art teacher, working with both children and adults and teaching several different media, and was once the sole owner and operator of a small art school in the Philadelphia suburbs. He is also a certified hypnotherapist, holistic healer, and published poet."



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