La gata araña

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Thomas Buchta

Thomas Buchta

Thomas Buchta es un fotógrafo alemán en cuyo portafolio se pueden encontrar galerías de desnudos, fetichistas, góticas o con fotos de sexy glamour, incluso artísticas fotografías que se acercan al género gore.


Monday, February 26, 2007

Ilan Hamra

Ilan Hamra
Fotógrafo alemán que tiene su estudio en la ciudad de Hamburgo. No hay muchos datos en la red sobre él, pero sus cuidadas fotografías hablan por si sólas. Llama especialmente la atención la delicadeza en las composición de la búsqueda de los colores.


Friday, February 23, 2007

Alejandro Colucci

Alejandro Colucci

Información de Gracia!

Alejandro Colucci nació en Montevideo en Mayo de 1966. Estudió dibujo y pintura con el maestro Alvaro Fontana. En 1994, luego de visitar Marvel, DC e Image, comienza a ilustrar temas fantásticos y relativos al comic en técnicas como óleo, témpera, tinta. Desde 1996 trabaja para medios de prensa como ilustrador de temas culturales. También trabaja en publicidad como ilustrador y diseñador gráfico. Hasta el momento ha participado en distintas exposiciones en Montevideo, interior del país y Buenos Aires. Sus trabajos pueden verse en páginas web como Hellboy Official Website, Marvel y Porkussucks Magazine.
Próximamente serán expuestos en el sitio Red Gótica de México y en un número especial de la revista Star Magazine que se edita en New York. Las ilustraciones realizadas para el mercado publicitario y editorial promocionan diversos productos y empresas nacionales, y han aparecido en revistas como Balazo, El Angel Negro, Voodoo y CD-Rom interactivo La Zona; también han sido motivo de portadas de cuadernos. Sus trabajos han sido difundidos desde programas de TV como Estilo (canal 10), Black Tie (TV Brasilia), Notables (Canal 4 - Daniel Branáa), Un día en la Vida (Canal 5) e integran la exposición permanente del Museo del Humor y la Historieta del Uruguay.
Próximamente, Colucci se desempeñará como profesor de dibujo y pintura.Vive en Montevideo con su esposa Daniela y sus hijos Romina y Bruno.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo

Información de Mexico.udg

Frida Kahlo (1907-1954). Nació y murió en Coyoacán, Distrito Federal. Su verdadero nombre era Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo Calderón.
Estudió en el Colegio Alemán y en la Escuela Nacional Preparatoria de la Ciudad de México. En 1925 experimentó un trágico accidente al ser prensado por un tranvía urbano el autobús de madera en el que viajaba.
Empezó a pintar durante una larga convalecencia copiando su rostro de un espejo montado en el dosel de la cama. Primero fue realista -retratos de amigos y familiares, flores-; después, a causa de la intensidad de sus sentimientos y de un cuerpo destrozado, pintó más y más su propia imagen combinada con expresiones oníricas a veces brutales. Parte de su obra incluso se ha asociado a tendencias surrealistas.
En 1929 contrajo nupcias con Diego Rivera de quien se divorció en 1940 para volverse a casar con él un año después. Fue maestra de pintura en la Escuela de Artes Plásticas, y miembro del seminario de Cultura Mexicana. En 1938 montó su primera exposición individual en la Julien Levy Gallery de Nueva York.
Trabajos de ella fueron incluidos en la Exposición "Mexique" de 1939, en la Galería Renou et Colle de París, así como en diversas colectivas a lo largo de su vida en México. Participó en la Exposición Internacional del Surrealismo organizada en 1940 en la Galería de Arte Moderno en la capital de México.
Instituciones de la importancia del Museo de Arte Moderno de Nueva York y Georges Pompidou de París alojan obra de Frida.


Monday, February 19, 2007

Enric Aromi

Enric Aromi

Información de Saatchi-Gallery

Painter, Sculptor, Photographer, Architect, Lawyer, Chemist and Writer.Exhibits in Barcelona, Paris, New York, Viena, Seattle, Chicago, Miami.Two books like photographer and one book like Painter. Now he lives in his 1000 sq. meters Own designed building made like Studio and residence closer to Barcelona.
Born in 1955 in Barcelona.Thanks to his CI upper than 130, Starts to draw and Paint at 7 Years Old and working like fashion photographer at 14 Years Old, his first exhibition in a Gallery like painter was at 16 Years Old in Barcelona and Sold out.
Now after 30 investigation and Study Years in 2000's he discover a new technique for mix the photo chemical gelatine from any photo prints with any painting media, and Starts to use it for faight against the injustice in the Wordl with sbliminal messages inside his Art works.
Working with a new bokk will be ready in 2010 and the next shows wil be:
April 2017 Boca Raton Miami
November 2007 Shanghai
February 2008 Abu-Dabhi
March 2008 - Barcelona


Friday, February 16, 2007

Laurie Lipton

Laurie Lipton

Laurie Lipton was born in New York. She was the first person to graduate from Carnegie-Mellon University in Pennsylvania with a Fine Arts Degree in Drawing (with honours). She has lived in Holland, Belgium, Germany and France and has made her home in London since 1986.
Lipton's drawings have been described as "cover[ing] social commentary, human observation and the absolute bizarre." Her work, distilled from her Freudian nightmares and oft-tortured world, lies within a "realm of experience amongst which we live, but few inhabit."

During a 2003 interview, Lipton expressed interest in challenging her perceptions of reality, using myth and symbolism to express the human condition. Her psychologically provocative imagery, its thematic continuum of fear, is a response to life as the perfect child - pretty, intelligent, well-behaved, very loving to her parents. She said, "I didn´t know what to do with the sizzling mass of negative feelings that infiltrated into my perfect being. I wasn´t encouraged to act out my fear or anger." She found a way to cope with the dark side of her soul through art, "I used to sit alone and draw for hours as a child. My parents were very proud of my talent and would display my work whenever company came to the house. People would look at me (a pretty, sweet little girl), then look at my drawings (monsters, screaming devils, mayhem and blood), and edge slowly away. My mother was asked how she felt about my "horrible, angry imagery". She merely shrugged her shoulders and said, "Better out than in".


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Dave Archambault

Dave Archambault

Dave Archambault has, since 1990, been producing painstakingly detailed portraits from photographs using the most unlikely of tools, the common ballpoint pen.


Monday, February 12, 2007

Reka Nyari

Reka Nyari

The half-Finnish, half-Hungarian photographer Reka Nyari was born in Helsinki in 1979. Her love for the Fine Arts drew her to the School of Visual Arts in NYC, where she majored in Painting, creating large, hyper realistic oil paintings. After graduating, she travelled a few years across Europe and Asia, and then found herself back in New York making her living in the Nightlife Industry.

Her interest in Photography started at this time. In the early hours of the morning after getting off work, finding herself in need of an outlet to express her creativity, she started a black and white series called “The Late Night Sessions”. Using a little point-and-shoot camera, she documented herself, night after night in an attempt to capture her changing moods and emotions throughout the year. The photographs were initially meant to be private, a diary in images, but after a year she realized she had found her new passion and profession.


Friday, February 09, 2007

René Asmussen

René Asmussen

Información de Pixiport

He lives in chilly Scandinavia, the homeland of the Vikings (Denmark) in a city called Esbjerg.
He has been an artist photographer for about four years now and loves to work in the darkroom, where most of his photographs become reality. René works with the idea that his photos should be a bit on the "original" side. He says, "It's hard 'cause there are a lot of great artist and photographers in the world, whom I think work with the same idea." René goes on to say, "My inspiration comes mostly from artists like: Giger, Rembrandt, Odd Nedrum, and all the great photographers out there".
He works mostly in the darkroom, but sometime feels the need for color. Then he gets busy hand coloring (water based colors). He also loves to use the computer for his images. As he says, "To give them color and perhaps some grain, corns or noise."
As you review René's excellent graphic renditions, you'll gain a better understanding of this very warm spot in Denmark.
He is danish Photographer, he experiment with all sorts of photography. For him there are no rules on how to make a picture, Its only the final result that counts not how you archieve it. He just follow my instinct and press the button when the "feel" is there.


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Anna Bilinska

Anna Bilinska

Anna Bilinska-Bohdanowiczowa was a polish artist born in the Ukrain in 1857. She painted many paintings including "Potrait of a young woman with rose" "Brittan woman" and her "Self portriat" she died at only 36 in 1892. She did many beautiful works of art and should be known more than she is.


Monday, February 05, 2007

Brad Phillips

Brad Phillips

Artista canadiense nacido en Toronto (Canada). Actualmente vive y trabaja en Vancouver.


Friday, February 02, 2007

Marina Cano

Marina Cano

No hay muchos datos biográficos sobre la fotógrafa Marina Cano, pese a que es una mujer bastante activa en la red. Lo único que puedo decir es destacar su capacidad para fotografiar la belleza de la naturaleza, y que la fotógrafa es originaria de Cantabria.



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